Imagine... (Mrs. Gartatik's TASK)

by 8:24 PM 0 komentar

Hello,good people. This is my first word in this blog. Actually,i have the previous blog,but i forgot its password. Now,i will post my task from Mrs. Gartatik about answer the questions.

Q: Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn’t keep it. You had to give it away to a person or   charity. Who would you give it to? What would you want them to do with it?

A: I will give all of it for poor man,because i believe in miracle of giving. I want they use my money to build a business, so they still can earn money from it. I will not give my money to beggars,because most of them still can work properly,expect and old beggars or handicapped beggars.

Q: Describe one time when you were brave.

A: I will very brave,if i am in danger. The insane human DNA  will active if we brave and believe we can do it (Miss Dewi Indrayani said that). So,i will do all the thing that can help me pass the danger even it's insane to happen.

Q: If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you cook? Describe the meal and tell how you would make it.

A: I will make the meal named "Sambel Tumpang". It made from fermented tempe not fermented soya. The ingredients are : dice-sliced beef, galangal(lengkuas), bay leaves, fermented tempe ,garlic, red onions ,cayenne peppers ,red chili, turmeric, lime leaves and coconut milk.  
  1. Boil all of the ingredients except tempe and coconut milk the beef until half-done,then add the tempe.
  2. Grind all of them,except the beef,lengkuas,and bay leaves.
  3. Boil all of them and add the coconut milk. Wait until boiled and the water is almost dry.
Q: Imagine you wake up and saw dinosaur. In your backyard. Write a story, telling what you see and do. 

A: I see the T-rex. It's very big and wild. It's very dangerous for me. I decide myself if it's not a dream. Then,i will tame it and i tame it hard,but i successfully tame it :D. Then i will use the T-rex to go to school and protect me and my house from thief or other criminals people.

Q: Imagine you opened your own restaurant. Tell the name of your restaurant. Explain what the restaurant look like, who works there, and what you serve.

A: I will named it "HY!" restaurant. "HY!" is abbreviation of "Healthy and Yummy!". Cause i love the simple ethnic,my restaurant's decoration looks like the Joglo house with some modern modification and i will add some unique properties from other area in Indonesia like West Sumatra, West Java, Tana Toraja, Papua, and many more. I just hire the professional,hard-worker,and creative worker. I will serve many healthy and yummy organic food and it must a halal food because i am Muslim.

Q: Describe your favorite character from a movie, or television.

A: I will describe one of my favorite character from a movie, Cade Yeager. Cade Yeager is Tessa's Father in TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction. He is played by Mark Wahlberg---American actor. Cade Yeager is a struggling robot inventor. He do it to pay his daughter's college,Tessa. He is a hard-worker and love the challenge. One day,he bought an Old Truck from his friend. He soon discovers that is an injured Optimus Prime and repairs him.

The Cemetery Wind---CIA's elite force and Lockdown---Cemetery Wind's partner, hunt the Optimus. Soon,they travel and threatened Cade and his daughter. But they can escape from Lockdown and Cemetery Wind. Since that time, He help Optimus and Autobots fight against Lockdown and Cemetery Wind. If you want to know more you can watch the movie.

Q: Write a story titled “My Journey on a Pirate Ship.” You and your friends can star in the story.

A:                                                  My Journey on a Pirate Ship

One day I and Zima sailed to the sea for fishing. After get many fish,we decided to back to home. But,unfortunately our ship blades snagged something. "What the hell it is!",I grumbled.

I decided to check it. "Ooo... just a rope." I said, but the rope is very long and like connected with something. Then, i followed the rope and how surprised I! I found The Lost Pirate Ship such that the people talked about. Soon, I raised to the surface and told it to Zima. "Are you sure? Took me there!" Zima shouted and immediately dived in with me.

After we arrived at the ship,we entered and explored the ship. We saw many coral and beautiful fish here. The atmosphere is very dreadful. There are many remains of human bones and skulls. But, still beautiful with colorful corals and fish. After we explored the ship, we did not find any treasure like gold coins or diamonds. The wall of the ship is very creepy to stepped on it. I found some the crews' uniform. it looked like an old soldier's uniform. Fortunately, i brought underwater camera, so i took some photo for the evidence.

I signaled Zima to raised to the surface. After we reached our ship and clean our ship's blades, we went back to home.

Q: If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? Describe the pet and how you would take  care of it.

A: I would like to have a bird. Especially, the Peregrine Falcon. It is the fastest animal in the world. Its speed reach 322 km/H. It's equal to F1 car's speed. Its fur color is slate gray and black on wings. its length is 34 to 58 centimeters. It is live at every region in this worlds, except in extreme polar region, very high mountain, and some rain forests. It is migrate from arctic to tropic when breeding season. It is a predator, so its food is meat. They usually eat the small bird, small reptiles, even small insect. I will make its cage like real environment where it live. I will give it enough food. I will release it food,not give it directly in order to maintain its hunting instinct.

Q: Do you have any brother or sister? If  you do tell what they’re like. If not, tell whether or not you would like to have a brother or sister.

A: Yes, i have one sister called Yuna. The age difference between us is 7 years old. Now,she is on 2nd grade of ES Tempelan Blora.

She has very long hair. Some of her Tooth are missing. She has little noise and brown eyes.Her skin is brown. She is annoying sister. We usually scolded by our mom because we cannot live peacefully. But, actually she is a care person. Her favorite food is fried chicken and her favorite drink is fruit smoothie. Her hobbies are drawing ,cycling with me, and many more. I think in her future, She will be a Businesswoman, because she usually act like a cashier or a food seller.

Although, she is very annoying , but i still love her as my only sister.

I think it's time to end this task. That's all for now. Sorry for some misspelled words. Thank's for yout attention, good people. See you on TOP!




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